Sunday, February 22, 2015

Weekly Plans for 2/23/2015 - 2/27/2015

Homework for 3/2/2015:

Conduct a brief search into Rabindranath Tagore, the author whose work is the focus of the next lesson, 10.2.1 Lesson 13. Choose three facts about Tagore and explain how these facts might contribute to his perspective as a writer. Your paragraph should be 5-7 or 6-8 sentences. 

Weekly Plans

English 10   Link to English 10 Documents

¶ 22-23 King continues his criticism of the white moderate’s lack of action to end injustice. 

Monday - Argument Delineation Tool for ¶ 22-23/ review Argument Delineation Tool for ¶ 22-23

Tuesday - Rhetorical Impact Tracking Tool ¶ 22-23 

Homework: Reread paragraphs 2425 and star every time you see the word extremist(s).

Conduct a brief search into the one of the following people King mentions in paragraph 24 and write a few sentences on each, using words you have chosen for vocabulary wherever possible: Jesus, Amos, the Apostle Paul, Martin Luther, and John Bunyan. 

Wednesday - Grammar/ Review Rhetorical questions Students/ pair and share what they learned of the mentioned "extremists."

Thursday -   Argument Delineation Tool for ¶ 24-25

Friday - Questions and discussions of  ¶ 24-25

Vocabulary Part 21

Conduct a brief search into Rabindranath Tagore

W.9-10.9.b  Draw evidence from literary or informational texts to support analysis, reflection, and research.
b. Apply grades 910 Reading standards to literary nonfiction (e.g., “Delineate and evaluate the argument and specific claims in a text, assessing whether the reasoning is valid and the evidence is relevant and sufficient; identify false statements and fallacious reasoning”).

L.9-10.2.a Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English capitalization, punctuation, and spelling when writing.
a. Use a semicolon (and perhaps a conjunctive adverb) to link two or more closely related independent clauses.

English 10H   Link to English 10 Documents

¶ 22-23 King continues his criticism of the white moderate’s lack of action to end injustice. 

Monday - Argument Delineation Tool for ¶ 22-23/ review Argument Delineation Tool for ¶ 22-23

Tuesday - Rhetorical Impact Tracking Tool ¶ 22-23 

Homework: Reread paragraphs 2425 and star every time you see the word extremist(s).

Conduct a brief search into the two of the following people King mentions in paragraph 24 and write a few sentences on each and how these extremists might have influenced King, using words you have chosen for vocabulary wherever possibleJesus, Amos, the Apostle Paul, Martin Luther, and John Bunyan. 

Wednesday - Grammar/ Review Rhetorical questions Students/ pair and share what they learned of the mentioned "extremists."

Thursday -   Argument Delineation Tool for ¶ 24-25

Friday - Questions and discussions of  ¶ 24-25

Vocabulary Part 1 Friday Free write:  Two points of extra credit if you write about extremism 
Conduct a brief search into Rabindranath Tagore

W.9-10.9.b  Draw evidence from literary or informational texts to support analysis, reflection, and research.
b. Apply grades 910 Reading standards to literary nonfiction (e.g., “Delineate and evaluate the argument and specific claims in a text, assessing whether the reasoning is valid and the evidence is relevant and sufficient; identify false statements and fallacious reasoning”).

L.9-10.2.a Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English capitalization, punctuation, and spelling when writing.
a. Use a semicolon (and perhaps a conjunctive adverb) to link two or more closely related independent clauses.

Monday, February 9, 2015

Weekly Plans for 2/9/2015 - 2/13/2015

Weekly Plans

English 10   Link to English 10 Documents

Monday - Snow Day

Tuesday - Argument Delineation Tool Review  -   ¶ 12 - 15 of "Letter From Birmingham Jail" 

Wednesday - Mid-Unit Assessment

Thursday -   Mid-Unit Assessment

Friday - Argument Delineation Tool Review  -   ¶ 16 -21 of "Letter From Birmingham Jail" 

Vocabulary Part 1 due Friday

RI.9-10.8   Delineate and evaluate the argument and specific claims in a text, assessing whether the reasoning is valid and the evidence is relevant and sufficient; identify false statements and fallacious reasoning.

Weekly Plans

English 10   Link to English 10 Documents

Monday - Snow Day

Tuesday - Argument Delineation Tool Review  -   ¶ 12 - 15 of "Letter From Birmingham Jail" 

Wednesday - Mid Unit Assessment

Thursday -   Mid Unit Assessment

Friday - Argument Delineation Tool Review  -   ¶ 16 -21 of "Letter From Birmingham Jail" 

Vocabulary Part 1 due Friday

RI.9-10.8   Delineate and evaluate the argument and specific claims in a text, assessing whether the reasoning is valid and the evidence is relevant and sufficient; identify false statements and fallacious reasoning.

Sunday, February 1, 2015

Weekly Plans for 2/2/2015 - 2/6/2015

Weekly Plans

English 10   Link to English 10 Documents

Monday - Snow Day

Tuesday - Argument Delineation Tool Review  -   ¶ 11 of "Letter From Birmingham Jail" Introduction to poem: Ahmad Shamlu's “In This Blind Alley”

Wednesday - Introduction to poem: Ahmad Shamlu's “In This Blind Alley”

Thursday -   Connections between  Martin Luther King Jr.'s "Letter From Birmingham Jail" and Ahmad Shamlu's “In This Blind Alley”

Friday - Connections between  Martin Luther King Jr.'s "Letter From Birmingham Jail" and Ahmad Shamlu's “In This Blind Alley”

Vocabulary Part 1 due Friday

RI.9-10.8   Delineate and evaluate the argument and specific claims in a text, assessing whether the reasoning is valid and the evidence is relevant and sufficient; identify false statements and fallacious reasoning.

Monday - Argument Delineation Tool Review  -   ¶ 11 of "Letter From Birmingham Jail" Check in for new Independent Reading Book

Tuesday -  Introduction to poem: Ahmad Shamlu's “In This Blind Alley”

Wednesday - Grammar and Ahmad Shamlu's “In This Blind Alley”

Thursday -   Connections between  Martin Luther King Jr.'s "Letter From Birmingham Jail" and Ahmad Shamlu's “In This Blind Alley”

Friday - Connections between  Martin Luther King Jr.'s "Letter From Birmingham Jail" and Ahmad Shamlu's “In This Blind Alley”

Vocabulary Part 1 due Friday

RI.9-10.8   Delineate and evaluate the argument and specific claims in a text, assessing whether the reasoning is valid and the evidence is relevant and sufficient; identify false statements and fallacious reasoning.